Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fall is upon us....some things I LOVE about this time of Year!

The last few mornings I have woken up and my apartment has been a little chilly and it is kind of nice. It is amazing how quickly the weather in this town I live in can go from high 90's and low 100's one week and the next week it sneaks into Indian Summer/Fall weather. It is so nice to be able to sit in my office at work and open all of my windows and enjoy the great cool breeze.

Along with the weather changing my other favorite thing that happens in the fall is New TV being back. As a person who works in media I often use the excuse that the reason I watch so much TV is so that I am educated for when I need to buy TV but really I am just addicted and I am not ashamed to admit it. I created a spreadsheet just to keep track of what plays when and when things premiere, I know I am ridiculous and I am okay with that. I think I have 60 things in my DVR timers right now and they are all things that are weekly shows none of these movies or specials that come up from time to time. I look forward to pilots being sent to me and seeing if anything is worthy of becoming part of my weekly/daily date with my TV. This year the pickings are slim but I still have quite a full schedule of things to watch. I just love watching the new stuff and than being able to chat about it with my friends who are fans of those shows too. And it is a good thing I have found friends who are just as obsessed as I am so I don't have to feel like an odd ball. Although I am not sure I would feel that way even if I hadn't met them.

My favorite things in my apartment are my 42" flat screen and my DVR and I don't care what the world thinks of this. My life is complete with these two things in my life! AMEN! :-)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Times they are a changing...

I am in the process of making a big change in my life. I have lived in a particular city for 3 years now and probably for about half that time I have been unhappy. The town is great. Tons of character, great restaurants, bars, art galleries, culture. The thing it doesn't have is a place for someone in their mid to late twenties, early 30's to meet people and have a life. I guess if I wanted to hang with the college crowd and get drunk every night I could meet people that way, or I could constantly be a third wheel to all the married/family people I know but that just isn't fun either. And so I have very few friends where I live and do a lot on my own. Which isn't bad, I am independent and sometimes that makes things easier but it would be nice to be able to hang with people my own age and have a good time from time to time and yet still be independent and do stuff on my own as well.

I know that I need to make the move and I am hoping that in the next 6 months that will happen, sooner if a few things that I have in the works, work out. It will be a BIG change and a little of an adjustment but I guess I am so used to just moving to a place and starting over and not knowing anyone that I know I will do great. I will leave behind a few things I love, like being near my parents but they will still be within visiting distance and luckily they are supportive of a possible move.

I pray every day that this works out I hope I haven't overdone it on the prayers and now God is saying enough girl I heard you but I am just not ready to answer it but I have a feeling he will do some good answering soon.

I have just realized that I am 30-years-old, single and now is the time to go for the big personal and career adventure while I can. To be the Me I know I am wanting to Be and show the world.

So if you are reading this. Throw some good thoughts and prayers if you are into that my way. And when I am all settled I will update you on where I end up.

Much love my friends.

Men Part 2 in response to the Evil Trifecta Blog

I haven't posted in a very long time, and thought it was about time. So first I wanted to copy and paste a posting from my Evil Trifecta Blog that I wrote today in response to one of my friend's posts, and than I will write a little something else.

I think my fellow evil partner in crime has opened up Pandora's box with her comments on how hard it is to be able to find a single sane man to date in the world. I have to say I think I could probably learn some complex equation and understand in better than I can most guys. I guess there are somethings about guys that are simple. They like football, sex, beer, but than there are the things that perplex me. Like why tell a girl you like her and think you have so much potential in the world together and than act like a total douche bag when you spend time with her. I really believe "Actions speak louder than words" so I am thinking this guy is probably just saying what he thinks I want to hear to get me to sleep with him. Little does he know I just don't give up the jewels to just anyone....I am not desperate girl. And actions like this just make me put a few more bricks up on my wall so I don't get hurt.

I know what I want in life for myself as far as career and success in life and would love to be able to meet someone I could spend the rest of my life with who is single, sane, decent human being, funny, has a job, you know the simple things but I guess I have also kind of resided myself to what I call the "Doco Way of Life" (named after one of my favorite guy friends). Being single is okay and I will survive and I can and will have a great life. No man is neccessary to complete my life and once I figured this out I realized that being fabulous is just who I am and isn't brought on by my "status" of being in a relationship.

So here I am 30, single, possibly moving to the big city soon, and if I meet someone, great, and if I don't well like Carrie on Sex and the City you may just get an invitiation to my "marrying myself" registry full of shoes I would like you to buy for me. :-) And I am okay with my "status" being single because I am in many relationships with my fantastic friends around the world.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Man: Kenny Chesney

Gosh I can't believe it has been so long since I blogged. Well it has been over a month *slaps hand*. A lot has happened recently. I had the flu for a week, which sucked. Haven't felt that terrible in a long time from a stomach bug. Not something I want to deal with again any time soon. I also got to see my favorite man in the whole wide world just a little over a week ago. Yes, that is right. It was the annual Kenny Chesney concert. Man I love him. It was a great concert. Started out with Luke Bryan (who is way too cute), than led into Gary Allen, LeAnne Rimes, Brooks & Dunn and than the main attraction Kenny Chesney. It was seriously the best Kenny concert I have probably ever been to, even with me getting sick half way through his set. I seriously love that man more than any other. Hopefully one day I will get to meet him. Because speaking of that my friend Sally ran into him while she was riding her bike along the pier the day before the concert. I had tears in my eyes when I found out. Totally heartbroken that another person I know got to meet him. One day it will be my turn but it just sucks knowing that others who only kind of know who he is keeping randomly meeting my man. I know I am out of hand and probably need help. But I just can't help it. He is my all time favorite. I could go on and on but I don't want to sound too stalkerish. So I will just say this; I LOVE KENNY CHESNEY, and can't wait till I see him next!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm in a funk

Today I am in a funk. Not quite sure why. I woke up like I normally do, watched a little TV, took a shower, and headed to work. And some where in the midst of all of that I suddenly realized I felt "off". I just don't feel like my normal snarky cheery(okay I am not a regular cheery person but you know what I mean) self. What I really would love to do is hibernate for the weekend. Hideout on the couch, watch some movies and not answer the phone. Maybe I am just tired. I guess sometimes you just feel this funky feeling and do just need a break from the world and your life to just breathe. So that is my plan. Go home, and chill out. Will let you know if it worked on Monday!

Anyways, not sure what the deal is but thought I would blog since I haven't in quite a while and need to get better about it.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Escucha la Musica!

I decided to add a music playlist to my blog today. Just a few songs/artists I like. It is actually kind of a random list. Once I have time to add more I will but thought it would be a fun little addition to the blog. :-) And I will give props to the person I got the idea from, my good friend Kathryn aka Mags. You can check out her blog if you would like, she is evil and snarky just like me. That is probably why we are friends. :-)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A laid back weekend

This last weekend was fantastic. I did a lot of my favorite things. First of all I slept in on both Saturday and Sunday till like 10am which is definitely a feat for me. In fact on Saturday I didn't get out of my PJs until almost 4pm and that was just to shower and put on new PJs....excellent I tell you. And to make Saturday even more fantastic if that is at all possible USA was doing an NCIS marathon so I pretty much watch Gibbs and his team all day long. Saturday early evening I put on my domestic shoes and made homemade meatloaf and mashed potatoes. It was very yummy and fixed the craving I had been having for over a week for a really good home cooked meal. Sunday I was a little more productive on the actually doing something front. I cleaned my apartment from top to bottom and man it smells so fantastic. It is so hard for a girl who is pretty much a neat freak to allow my apartment to get to the the degree of dirty it got to while dealing with my foot. After that was done I went to the library to return some books because I am a new library card carrying individual here in my fine town. And than when I got home I settle in to catch up on the John Adams miniseries on HBO. It is so fantastic and has made me want to learn as much as I can about that time all over again. I can't wait to see how the final two episodes end up. Well there you have it. My boring yet totally fantastic weekend. I love when you can just chill out but still accomplish a lot in your own special way. And to be rested at the end of the weekend was great too.